All Articles with the tag: Bags & Inventory

Bongos - WoW Vanilla Addon - Client 1.12.1

Bongos - WoW Vanilla Addon - Client 1.12.1
Bongos - WoW Vanilla Addon

Bongos is a popular user interface (UI) modification for Wow Vanilla that allows players to customize and rearrange their action bars.

Tags: Bags & Inventory Categories: World of Warcraft Vanilla Addon

OneBag WoW Vanilla Addon - Client 1.12.1

OneBag WoW Vanilla Addon - Client 1.12.1
OneBag WoW Vanilla Addon

The OneBag addon allowes players to combine multiple bags into a single, customizable window for easier inventory management.

Tags: Bags & Inventory Categories: World of Warcraft Vanilla Addon

Bagnon addon for World of Warcraft Vanilla (1.12.1)

Bagnon addon for World of Warcraft Vanilla (1.12.1)
Bagnon Wow Vanilla

Bagnon combines all of a player's bags and bank slots into a single, unified interface, making it easier to manage items and find what you are looking for. This means that players no longer have to open each individual bag or bank slot to see what is inside, but can see all of their items at a glance.

Tags: Bags & Inventory Categories: World of Warcraft Vanilla Addon


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